Salad with spelt


250 gr grains of farro or spelt
½ cucumber
1 carrot
1 stalk of celery
1 fresh onion or several spring or green onions
½ yellow or red bell pepper
1-2 tbsp chopped parsley
1-2 tbsp chopped basil
1-2 tbsp mild vinegar
Olive oil



– Boil the spelt in lots of salted water for 25-30 minutes.
– While it boils, cut the vegetables into pieces and grate the carrot coarsely.
– Mix it all in a large bowl together with the parsley and the basil.
– Add the vinegar and the salt and stir. Add as much or as little olive oil as you want.
– When the spelt is ready, drain it and let it cool and get dry on a big plate before you add it to the vegetables.
– Mix well and it’s ready to serve.

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